List of Doctor Who stories
Here's a handy list of all televised Doctor Who stories to date. I'll keep them updated with links to the corresponding blog posts as the Randomiser takes me through them.
At present there are 159 Classic Series stories (1963 to 1966) and 146 New Series stories (2005 to present). I hope there may be more to add to the latter group before this blog is complete. I have made my own decisions on whether or not to group related episodes together into a single story; some might take issue, for example, with my joining the single-episode Mission to the Unknown to The Daleks’ Master Plan, or to treat the four Trial of a Time Lord stories as separately-titled entities. Also, I am aware that there are differences of opinion over the titling of some stories, and I can only defend my choices as personal preference.
First Doctor
An Unearthly Child
Marco Polo
The Keys of Marinus
The Aztecs
The Reign of Terror
Planet of Giants
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
The Rescue
The Romans
The Web Planet
The Crusade
The Space Museum
The Chase
The Time Meddler
Galaxy 4
The Myth Makers
Mission to the Unknown/The Daleks' Master Plan
The Massacre
The Ark
The Celestial Toymaker
The Gunfighters
The Savages
The War Machines
The Smugglers
The Tenth Planet
Second Doctor
The Power of the Daleks
The Highlanders
The Underwater Menace
The Moonbase
The Macra Terror
The Evil of the Daleks
The Tomb of the Cybermen
The Abominable Snowmen
The Ice Warriors
The Enemy of the World
The Web of Fear
The Krotons
The Space Pirates
The War Games
Third Doctor
Spearhead from Space
The Ambassadors of Death
Terror of the Autons
The Mind of Evil
The Claws of Axos
Colony in Space
The Dæmons
Day of the Daleks​
The Curse of Peladon
The Sea Devils
The Mutants
The Three Doctors
Carnival of Monsters
Frontier in Space
Planet of the Daleks
The Time Warrior
Invasion of the Dinosaurs
The Monster of Peladon
Fourth Doctor
The Ark in Space
The Sontaran Experiment
Revenge of the Cybermen
Terror of the Zygons
Pyramids of Mars
The Android Invasion
The Brain of Morbius
The Seeds of Doom
The Masque of Mandragora
The Hand of Fear
The Deadly Assassin
The Face of Evil
Horror of Fang Rock
Image of the Fendahl
The Sun Makers
The Invasion of Time
The Ribos Operation
The Pirate Planet
The Stones of Blood
The Power of Kroll
The Armageddon Factor
City of Death
The Creature from the Pit
Nightmare of Eden
The Horns of Nimon
State of Decay
The Keeper of Traken
Fifth Doctor
Four to Doomsday
The Visitation
Black Orchid
Time Flight
Arc of Infinity
Mawdryn Undead
The King's Demons
The Five Doctors
Warriors of the Deep
The Awakening
Resurrection of the Daleks
Planet of Fire
The Caves of Androzani
Sixth Doctor
The Twin Dilemma
The Mark of the Rani
The Two Doctors
Revelation of the Daleks
Terror of the Vervoids
Seventh Doctor
Time and the Rani
Delta and the Bannermen
Remembrance of the Daleks
The Happiness Patrol
Silver Nemesis
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
The Curse of Fenric
Eighth Doctor
Ninth Doctor
The End of the World
The Unquiet Dead
Aliens of London/World War Three
The Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Tenth Doctor
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
The Girl in the Fireplace
Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
Love & Monsters
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
Smith and Jones
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
Human Nature/The Family of Blood
Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime
The Fires of Pompeii
Planet of the Ood
The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky
The Doctor's Daughter
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Turn Left
The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
The Next Doctor
Planet of the Dead
The Waters of Mars
The End of Time
Eleventh Doctor
The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
Victory of the Daleks
The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
The Vampires of Venice
Amy's Choice
The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood
Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
The Curse of the Black Spot
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
A Good Man Goes to War
Let's Kill Hitler
The Girl Who Waited
The God Complex
Closing Time
The Wedding of River Song
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
The Power of Three
The Angels Take Manhattan
The Snowmen
The Bells of St John
Cold War
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
The Crimson Horror
Nightmare in Silver
The Name of the Doctor
The Night of the Doctor/The Day of the Doctor
The Time of the Doctor
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Twelfth Doctor
Into the Dalek
Robots of Sherwood
Time Heist
Kill the Moon
Mummy on the Orient Express
In the Forest of the Night
Dark Water/Death in Heaven
Last Christmas
The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
Under the Lake/Before the Flood
The Girl Who Died/The Woman Who Lived
The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion
Sleep No More
Face the Raven
Heaven Sent/Hell Bent
The Husbands of River Song
The Return of Doctor Mysterio
The Pilot
Thin Ice
Knock Knock
The Pyramid at the End of the World
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
Twice Upon a Time
Thirteenth Doctor
The Woman Who Fell to Earth
The Ghost Monument
Arachnids in the UK
The Tsuranga Conundrum
It Takes You Away
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
Fugitive of the Judoon
Can You Hear Me?
The Haunting of Villa Diodati/Ascension of the
Cybermen/The Timeless Children
The Halloween Apocalypse
Legend of the Sea Devils
The Power of the Doctor